All of the factories we work with are 100% verified by
our staff on-site in Asia and guaranteed by Omni SCM.
We manage your orders from door to door
Quality assurance inspections throughout the process on-site!
Complete the form below to find great deals from great suppliers through out Asia!
Buy from the most competitive and
reliable suppliers in Asia with no risk!
Through strong on-site communication and management of suppliers by our management
team and quality assurance agents on the ground in Asia, We connect you to the best
suppliers and guarantee the quality and reliability of your orders.
There is no obligation. It only takes a minute.
Let us show you how OMNI Supply Chain Management can help you save time and money.
Quality Relationships
Omni SCM leverages its relationships around the world and our proven procurement methodologies and tools to achieve significant savings for our clients.
Our staff will not accept any referral fee, private markup fee or preferential treatment from vendors. Omni works for our clients, not for the producing factory our logistics vendor.
Total Coverage
Our extensive presence in Asia allows clients to leverage our staff to ensure their products are built to spec, on time, and to the exact quality.
Why customers choose us
Our fees are explained upfront.They are not based on a markup of our client’s products.
If Omni SCM secures additional savings throughout the relationship,
100% of those savings are passed to our clients.
Our Benefits
- Omni SCM’s fees are clear and negotiated upfront. They are not based on a markup of our client’s products.
- Most Global sourcing agents are middlemen, but Omni SCM works directly with factories
- Omni SCM gives your company direct access to the factory
- We eliminate factory sales agents.